PRX Intima Treatment for the intimate areas on the body

PRX Intima Treatment for the intimate areas on the body

PRX INTIMA PERFEXION is a groundbreaking aesthetic treatment, available exclusively at Serenity Med Spa LLC in Astoria, OR, created to rejuvenate and enhance intimate areas. Utilizing advanced technology, this non-invasive procedure works by promoting collagen production and improving skin elasticity. Over time, intimate areas, like any other part of the body, can experience the undesirable effects of aging, genetics, and childbirth. This loss of tone and hydration can impact confidence and satisfaction for both men and women. Fortunately, modern advancements have made it possible to rejuvenate these intimate areas, effectively restoring tone and enhancing the appearance of wrinkled and darkened regions. Such treatments enhance physical health and restore energy to individuals.


Suitable for both men and women, PRX INTIMA PERFEXION is ideal for those seeking to address concerns related to aging, childbirth, or other factors affecting intimate areas. Results are typically visible after one session, with the best results seen after several sessions. Many patients enjoy the benefits for several months to a year after receiving the treatment. If you’re in Astoria, OR, and considering PRX INTIMA PERFEXION, don’t hesitate. Book an appointment with Serenity Med Spa LLC and experience the transformation firsthand.



  • Restores a youthful appearance.
  • Promotes collagen production.
  • Beautifies hyperpigmented areas.
  • Suitable for all genders.
  • Minimal discomfort.
  • Rejuvenates intimate areas.
  • Visible results after just 15 minutes.
  • Long-lasting effects after 3-5 sessions.
  • Boosts confidence and self-esteem.
  • Leaves skin firm and hydrated.

Treatment Areas

  • Male and Female Intimate Areas
  • Underarms
  • Areolae
  • Perianal Region


Intro offer: $199/tx
Price $249/tx, pkg of 4 = $799 (best results with 3-5 treatments)

Frequently Ask Questions

Anyone seeking to rejuvenate and enhance their intimate areas, especially those affected by aging, childbirth, or other factors, is a potential candidate. However, a consultation with a Serenity Med Spa LLC professional is recommended to determine individual suitability.

 Results are typically visible after one session, with optimal outcomes seen after several treatments.

Results are typically long-lasting, but many patients enjoy them for several months to a year.

PRX INTIMA PERFEXION is a non-invasive procedure with minimal discomfort. Any potential side effects or downtime will be discussed during your consultation at Serenity Med Spa LLC.

It’s essential to follow the pre and post-treatment guidelines provided by the Serenity Med Spa LLC experts in order to achieve the best results and minimize any potential side effects.


Treatment takes just a few minutes, and there is little discomfort involved. The procedure will suit your needs, ensuring a comfortable and practical experience.

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